Friday, November 2, 2012

Truth 1

I was never a morning person nor a Monday lover.There's something about these two that make me uneasy. It might be because they mark the start of something. I guess i classify myself as a late afternoon person or a night person, the creative juices come out during these times.

What am i writing about, really?


As much as i try not to be imperfect,sometimes, emotions run through me like water rapidly moving. Being human isn't just about the logic and sometimes, as much as i hate to admit it, emotions can make an impact as to who i am as a person.

As i've blogged about before, i used to have a code-less phone and a prepaid sim that runs out of load every single day contrast to what i have now. I have 2 phones, 1 provided by the company and 1 i bought (which i hope will be changed into a more high-tech phone for Christmas, too much? actually still thinking about prioritizing my needs vs my wants) and a Samsung galaxy tab. These things practically show how God turned my world upside down.

We're not wealthy.

People thought that wealth runs in the family. FALSE. The truth is, if we were rich, i wouldn't have to work overtime or work per se. We would have had a 2 br condo unit and i might as well be studying another cours.

But, If there's something i wanted people to see how wealthy i am, it would be my relationship with people and with God. I know how holy it sounds but we should treasure what matters most right? Having a lot of money doesn't guarantee happiness and i am really and truly grateful how rich i am with my relationships.


BigBang 102412

This is it... WAS should have been the perfect term if the feelings from the concert have left me. and yet the feelings are still here almost tangible and surreal.

I was really happy for being able to go to the concert despite the distance of our seats from the stage. It's just now that i have realized that the nearer, the better. However discontent i might sound i am glad that the memory of it shall stay for life.

     The most unforgettable part of the concert was me getting all emotional, got teary eyed at the sight of the boys. It's been 5 years since i started admiring the band. Yup, since i was 1st year college. It's still dream-like for me and only the pictures make me realize that i was there, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

     I felt happy. Like a kid seeing a shooting star for the first time or like a cat seeing something shiny or whatever it is that makes us humans feel joy and overwhelmed by happy and positive on a fan girl moment now.

They say pictures worth a thousand words, so i guess this experience is worth a thousand pictures? :-)